Recently Gordon, who is in his eighties, sent me this prayer by David Adams who was warden years ago on the island of Lindsfarne. It has been an inspiration to Gordon throughout the years, and continues to give him hope as he undergoes radiation and chemotherapy for skin cancer.
There are many wonderful things I could tell you about Gordon and Margaret, but if you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time you know that I keep my friend’s privacy. And that I will continue to do. That being said, I am so grateful for the faith and continuing trust in God that they have shown me. What more could I ask of a friendship?
I do, however, want to share something that hopefully will inspire you, as a church members or as individuals trying to do God’s work in the world. Five days a week for four weeks members of Gordon’s church drive Gordon and Margaret, to his appointments 40 miles from their home. The schedule varies daily, but someone shows up at their house to what they can, namely drive, while Gordon does what he can, get better. This giving and receiving keeps everyone faithful and grateful.
And now, I ask you a favor. In your own way, please say a prayer for these two dear friends of mine.
Where the mist rises from the sea
Where the waves creep upon the shore
Where the wrack lifts upon the strand,
I have seen the Lord
Where the sun awakens the day
Where the road winds on its way
Where the fields are sweet with hay,
I have seen the Lord
Where the stars shine in the sky
Where the streets so peaceful lie
Where the darkness is so nigh,
I have seen the Lord
The Lord is here,
The lord is there,
The lord is everywhere,
The lord is high,
The lord is low,
The lord is on the path I go