The character of Nicodemus has always fascinated me.We first meet him in John 3:1-21, when as ‘a Pharisee,’ and ‘a leader of the Jews’ , he seeks Jesus at night. Jesus reveals who he is; Nicodemus listens and ask questions. This conversation is not unlike ones I have with Jesus.
Next Nicodemus appears publicly with the Pharisees and defends Jesus by insisting that he get a fair hearing before being arrested (John 7:45-52).
His final appearance is with Joseph of Arimathea when they depose Jesus from the cross and prepare to put in in the tomb. No words are said.
As I pray on these three passages, I am aware of the sequence, from an intense, complex, private conversation, to a few public words, to no words at all. This reflects my communication with Jesus over the days, the years, and my lifetime. As an older person, I resonate with the Nicodemus at the tomb. Fewer words are necessary.
If you want to learn more about this work of Michelangelo, I suggest: