What in my life needs help? Where can I not go it alone? Where do I need God’s help and love and provision in order to take the next step?”
My response: “I know some of the areas in my life where I need God's love and help because they are the ones I don't want to admit to anyone. But when I take the time with God, I seem to be able to disclose them to Him. Evening is a good time for me to talk with God and ask for God’s help. I sit and knit and we chat.”
I want to go emphasize the comfort I feel during this sitting and knitting time, usually, but not always, at the end of the day before I go to bed. I think of it as my version of the Ignatian Examen, confession, or therapy. I go through the day, the good, bad and indifferent, starting with gratitudes. I discuss problems, pending decisions and sometimes just tell my story. The listeners are God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, whoever seems to appear.