When I got home I wrote down the first five that came to my mind. Of course there are many others, but I figure that the first ones are particularly important to me right now. (Before you are influenced by my top five, you might want to jot down your own. Don’t ponder or edit, just blurt them down)
Here are mine:
1) Wealth and greed are hindrances to the Kingdom of Heaven
2) Spend time alone with God
3) Help the poor, needy and disenfranchised
4) Look for lost items
5) Don’t show off
I’m not going indulge in excessive spiritual analysis on these, but I fully admit that they indicate areas for attention on my faith journey. Numbers 1,3 and 5 suggest reaching out to others--the public ways I act toward others. Numbers 2 relates to my private, personal relationship with God. I do better with this one. I spend a lot of time with God.
But where did Number 4, ‘look for lost items’ come from? What did I mean? What resonates at the moment is my need/desire to look for ways that I can see myself, and thus act, as a child of God. It feels like an umbrella for the other four. Attend to the other four and I’ll finding the lost items. Number 4 is the missing piece, the lost item.