However, as the western church grew in power and prestige, it began to ignore this message, as well as Jesus' actions of God’s healing presence in this life. Word of his healings, teachings, and miracles faded, and over time was replaced by the dogma of the ‘church fathers’, with overpowering emphasis on sin and preparation for life after death.
Most twentieth century theologians, including Bultmann, Barth, and Bonhoeffer, ignored Jesus as healer, claiming that Jesus’ healings were preparation for the church as an institution and thus not needed any more. And yet, there is nothing in the four gospels to suggest that Jesus was founding a church. In fact, he never mentioned the word church. Jesus taught, preached, healed, and offered intercession so people could live a full, joy-filled life in the kingdom of God now.
For sure, we need many thoughts and ideas to help us pray thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, however, offers a comforting aspect of intercession.
To make intercession means to grant our brother the same right that we have received, namely, to stand before Christ and share in his mercy.
Intercession means no more than to bring our brother into the presence of God….