Most of us privileged people don't commit adultery or steal, but we probably could confess that more often than not, we are greedy. Not in obvious ways; we know how to be subtle, to the point that we aren't even aware of our greed, nor know what our kind of greed looks like. For example, to at the grocery store today I filled my cart with whatever suited my fancy. In shopping for clothes, I admit that I love a sale-- but, I'll buy full price to get what I really want.
As I write, it comes to me that my greed comes with such ease that it doesn't look like greed to me, or to others. I can afford to be greedy; I've had lots of practice; I do it with enough ease that no one recognizes it as greed. And to complicate what I'm trying to say here, I can be both greedy and generous at the same time.
So, how do I inherit the kingdom of heaven, if has Paul stays, greed will keep me away? Maybe the greed I have to give up is not money. Maybe it is time. Maybe it is intimacy. Maybe it is …., or…..