As you know. I grapple with all possible prayer issues, kinds of prayer situations, etc., etc.. I’m not averse to praying for particular things (best word I can come up with), things that seem too mundane for a God who is beyond human understanding, as well as things that might resonate with a personal God. When I am stressed I pray in simple, to-the-point ways. At other times I can be rather intellectual about it all, trying to find just the right words. No question, prayer isn’t simple, nor can it be summed up in one succinct definition.
As a person who takes prayer seriously, the exclusiveness of the situation in the Survivor vignette continues to offend me; but it also it shows me the log in my own eye, and that has got to be a good thing. The Survivor scene brings to mind how throughout history, and that includes now, Christians have adopted privilege and favored status for their own selfish benefits. Sometimes it is just inconvenient to believe that everyone is a child of God! But that’s Just what “the Lord is requiring of us’ in the twenty-first century.
The cottage by the sea post~
Having watched all twenty-three seasons of Survivor, I have experienced the many twists and turns the game has taken over the last eleven or so years. Nothing really surprises me, but I was taken aback the other night when one of the teams gathered in a circle and asked Jesus to help them win the challenge; then when it was over, they thanked God for being on their side. Here was the “just war” theory in action, along with all the exclusiveness that accompanies it.
I trust that the scene might be offensive to many people of faith, be they Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, agnostic…; in fact to all of us sitting in the mystery of faith. I can understand individuals privately praying for guidance and wisdom to do their best; but I can’t get my head around the idea of a God who could possibly care who wins Survivor South Pacific. And what about the woman, who later “on camera”, but not to the group, admitted she didn’t believe in the prayer and felt uncomfortable being part of the scene, but because of the dynamics of the game, chose to remain silent?
I could go on and on but I won’t. This sure gets in the way of silence, solitude and simplicity.
What does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8