What’s going on here with Mary? In some painting she seems to be saying---wait a minute, not me; not now, not yet. In others she seems to acquiesce, sometimes reluctantly, other times with joy. Whatever we might be feeling about God’s call, we can find a companion in Mary.
We might not like the what God is calling us to do or be, but too bad; God will persist; God will win.
If we don’t want to believe God is calling us, we might as well let that go, too. God is calling us whether we know it or not, whether we like it or not. As Christians, that what we’ve signed up for.
But fear not, all will be well. It won’t be easy or without suffering, but we will be redeemed. Like Mary, we will might as well say, “Here I am, the servant of the Lord; let it be me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38).