"Intercession means that we rouse ourselves up to get the mind of Christ about the one for whom we pray."
Chambers language is a little ambiguous, but ambiguity seems to be a mighty useful tool for this prayer journey, especially intercessory prayer. It’s the mind of Christ that I pray will surround someone, not my own mind, my own ideas, my own judgments. It just does not make much sense for me to pray for what I want for a person, unless I am very clear that it is my will be done that I’m asking for. Then God and I can have a little joke about it. Sometimes I say, “Well, God, here’s what I want for so-and-so, and then, if I remember humility, I say, “but, thy will be done.” I know better, and of course so does God, who is most forgiving, or shall I say accepting, of my humanness.