2. God’s call always involves service to others.
3. The call of God may seem daunting to us.
4. The call of God is always accompanied by the promise of God.
Br. David Vryhof, Society of Saint John the Evangelist <[email protected]>
How is this for a simple check list? Is this call I am hearing from God the real deal? Am I imagining it? Do I like it? Do I hate it? Am I wishing (and praying) that it will go away, that it isn’t so?
About twenty years ago I began hearing God’s call to me to pray for people. “Really, God? You’ve got to be kidding. This is so not me to come up with an idea like this.”
Ah, but that was the point. I didn’t come up with it, God did. And so it continued. It involved service to others and it sure was, and still is, daunting. I must admit that I don’t always feel #4, God’s promise; it is the least obvious one. And yet, now that I think about, the promise that God will always be with me is becoming more and more convincing. Maybe it comes with practice on my part as I continue to follow the call, sometimes wandering about, other times with determination.