To begin, I am very sure that Jesus’ bottom line message is about love, loving God and our neighbor. But how do we do that? Did Jesus give us a clue? I get so confused: he directs those he cures to tell everyone what God has done for them, but not to mention Jesus himself; he reprimands the Pharisees for wanting a sign; he becomes exasperated when his disciples do not understand; but then in the very next breath he intimates that it’s all a mystery anyway. Maybe Jesus doesn’t want us to understand with our mind. Maybe the message is beyond reason.
When I look carefully, I notice that Jesus points away from himself and toward God. The human Jesus leads us to God through parables and healings, and by going off by himself to pray. It is in this solitary prayer that his words and actions stop; he tells and shows us very little. It’s just Jesus and God, with the Holy Spirit playing some mysterious part. And this is where love is.
Maybe his message is that in order to truly love, no words are possible or necessary. Just be with God and God will be there with you. God is love and when you are one with God, you will truly love.