I’m writing this in the Gardino delle Scuderie Reali, adjacent to the Boboli Gardens. A grandmother is enjoying two grandchildren; a group of students is having class; two people are walking hand in hand; a woman is sitting on a bench texting. Life is happening in Italy.
What does this have to do with walking around with God? Well, it implies that God is with me, which means I am bringing God to these people who happen to be here this afternoon. Of course God is with them, but in case they don’t know it, I’m sending his presence to them through the Holy Spirit.
If that sounds mysterious, well it is! Don’t try to figure it out. Instead, go somewhere nearby and send out love and peace to whoever is there. You will feel loving and peaceful, which a good thing for you, and it will become less mysterious. In believing that you are making a difference to them, you will grace. God’s grace is there for the asking. That’s the way it works.