Her comment caused me to notice that I have been mentioning God more and more in conversations, and once in a while God even sneaks into my cottagebythesea blog. As you readers of aprayerdiary know, I keep these two blogs separate—I never mention this prayer blog to the cottage readers. Each blog has a different focus, a different mission. Also, many cottage readers want no part of organized religion, spiritual conversation, or serious discussion about prayer. And yet, I trust that underneath their longing for solitude, they are looking for something beyond a rational, self-centered, worldly existence.
I see no good reason to join the two blogs, each of which in its own way serves me and hopefully my readers. On the other hand, I believe that the word God is slipping into general usage and becoming more acceptable out in the world. More people are able to hear and claim the word for their own good use.
That being said, I am considering using the word God occasionally in the cottage blog. I believe I can do so without people feeling offended, or concluding I want convert them, or being turned off by what I say. I’ll give it a try by first explaining more or less what I’ve written here—another example of thought and language, of how writing helps us know what we are thinking.