Day One: Love God and Your Neighbor: Mark 12:28b-29 (Person One)
Day Two: Who is My Neighbor? Luke 10:25-37 (The Samaritan)
Day Three: Live Peacefully: Genesis 26:12-23 (Rebekah)
Day Four: Everyone is Invited: Luke 14:15-24 (Jesus)
Day Five: Share with Others: Acts 2:42-47; 4:32-37 (Guest)
Every so often I have to remind myself to ‘stay out of organization.’ I came up with that phrase when I retired from teaching, and although I still stand by it, there are times when I get too involved in everyday life, and bingo, I am reminded again.
Every morning last week I helped out at the Vacation Bible School (the theme was Please won’t you be my neighbor?) at church by participating in a skit about the Bible story of the day. By Friday I knew that the daily routine had trust me into organization and depleted me from the morning solitude that centers and balances me. I’m glad I was involved, and I’m glad I was reminded to be attentive: I may step into organization from time to time, but that is not my chosen modus operandi these days, and I can always step out.