The other day I received just such a flutter of angel wings from a friend I’ve been praying for. Sandra, I’ll call her, has been a family friend ever since she was born. She is about ten years younger that me; our mothers were college friends, and our dads enjoyed each other early on. Now Sandra lives in an assisted living facility and has no family remaining. From my perspective, she is alone. She is not on the internet, and although I can leave a message on her answer machine, she never picks up the phone, nor does she return my call. Our mode of communication is the U.S.P.S.
About six months ago I decided that I would write her name on my top ten prayer list every day. Occasionally I send her a postcard, photograph, or article, and since she has always practiced her faith and gone to church, I mailed her a copy of the service that I gave at my church a few weeks ago. At the end of June I sent her the July-August daily devotional, Upper Room.
I wasn’t surprised, therefore, to receive a little envelop in the mail from Sandra yesterday. In it she included ten file cards, each expressing a particular memory of my parents. These ‘jottings’ most likely were in response to the book I’m writing about mom.
But what did surprise me was her heartfelt expression in following comment:
“A very devout and kindly man and I meet daily for prayers, so we’ll add the Upper Room to our schedule. He has many challenges to cope with, but he considers prayer the best medicine until a cure for what ails him materializes.”
What a beautiful window into Sandra’s life. She is not alone. I will definitely keep praying for her, as well as for her devout, kindly prayer friend. The story isn’t over. God is still speaking.