And so, I continue writing, crafting of memoir, which at the moment, in no particular order, is about solitude, Scotland, the cottage by the sea, God and my mother.
Today I was musing about finding myself in the ‘thin place’ during my first visit to Iona. Here’s what I wrote.
It is told that when people visit Iona they feel a thin place between themselves and God, and so it was for me on that September afternoon. George MacLeod, founder of the Iona Community coined the phrase ‘a thin place’ to describe that fine dividing line between the physical and spiritual where God is present, where peace touches the heart.
Since that first trip, I have returned to Iona many times, always finding the thin place when I’m there. But I find it other places, as well. Take a walk, clear the mind… listen...look…. Seek and ye shall find.