My commitment has been to refrain from getting into politics on this blog; my hope is that what I have to say here continues to honor that commitment.
I’ve watched the impeachment hearings and am sad at what indisputably will be the outcome. I am not sad for me, as much as for majority of people in our country (and in the world). I will be fine; very little will change in my life, because I am a white privileged woman with enough money to keep my life style, and with limited years remaining to get caught up in the aftermath of a rough president and the dismantling of the Constitution of the United States . Sad is a soft emotion, one that fits my situation, but not strong enough for most of humanity.
As a person of faith I am praying that love, truth, and hope surround every senator and every person effected by their vote.
As I pray I visualize Jesus in their midst, sometimes in bodily form, sometimes in spirit. I let go of opinions and judgments and breathe in peace and love. Amen.