As I mentioned, stewardship committees in churches often dwell first and primarily on money raising aspects, specifically for the physical building and for personnel salaries. But we know better: stewardship ought to be guided by the mission of the church, namely that we are stewards of God’s call to love and to create God’s kingdom here on earth.
God asks us to be stewards of various aspects in our lives, most obviously our families, friends and the environment. Although we don’t exactly choose these, we do have some choice in how we do them.
In many respects I am still part of the traditional life I was brought up in, where women wear aprons and men mow the lawn. I don’t have to keep these jobs and believe me, I’ve moved many of them away from center stage. What I try to do, however, is remain a faithful steward to what I have accepted, namely the kitchen. The work is a gift, the result a blessing.