The topic for this week: Evolution.
Today’s focus: All things change and grow.
This message (the first paragraph posted below) affirms and clarifies what I have know to be true my entire life, starting with my parents and the church of my childhood, and continuing to this day.
The God I worship and live with is dynamic and evolving, comforting in ways beyond understanding, and loving in ways beyond my imagination. Jesus came among is as the Word, so he could be beyond words, but at the same time be known deeply and personally.
“It is hard for me to understand why some Christians are so threatened by the notion of evolution. Are they not observing reality? Why this stalwart attachment to inertness? Perhaps static things appear more controllable? I suspect such resistance largely comes from our ego and our unconscious. I do recognize the human psyche’s need for stability, security, and superiority. These ego-needs are so strong that they allow people to ignore or misinterpret what is visible all around them, and even to ignore their own obvious “growing up” and healing processes. Even our cuts and bruises heal themselves—by themselves.”
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