Today on my way here to the cottage I stopped at the nursing home to see Barbara. Usually I sit at her table in the lunchroom and we chat. But today, her spot was vacant; none of her friends knew where she was, but they were concerned. Well, it seems that this dear lady fell after breakfast and was taking across the street to the local hospital, where I found her in the ER, about to have her arm put in a temporary splint until tomorrow when an orthopedic surgeon will tend to it.
“Unfortunately a nasty break,” the doctor on call told me.
Yes, unfortunate. What are we to make of these unfortunate mishaps? Barbara is one of many ninety year-olds struggling to keep healthy and hopeful about life. She’d doing a remarkable job, but like many of her peers, she especially needs our prayers. We, who are able, have a special obligation to pray for those who are at the mercy of others for so much of their well-being.