What is this power in praying for people I have never met and am not connected to in any personal way? I believe it is in the clarity of prayer; clarity as in no judgments, no ideas about what they should do, and no excessive hope for the right outcome. Pretty much, “Thy will be done.”
That being said, I do ask God to intervene when I dare believe that God and I would want the same outcome. I have to believe that God wants the mother of three young children to survive cancer surgery. But my prayer isn’t limited to survival/cure; I also pray that faith, hope and love will surround the entire family.
When I pray for strangers, I pray as a compassionate human being, minus the agony, fear, anger, worry, you name it, of family members. They have enough to deal with! Whether they know I’m praying for them or not, I know that my prayer lifts some of their burden, and places it in a hopeful perspective as I carry some of the load to God.