Prayers of the People [email protected],
“This prayer practice online began at Episcopal Church General Convention in 2015. It is supported by the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer (Canada) and the monks of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist - men of prayer, helping people pray their lives.
At noon each day I’ll receive an email featuring one of the seven principal prayers, and will be encouraged to write my own prayer and post it on social media. Well, I’ll see how that goes, but for a start, I love the concise summary of different prayers, how to begin praying, as well as being connected to praying people around the world.
The seven principal prayers are #prayersof
#adoration God of love I adore you
#praise God of glory I praise you
#thanksgiving God of grace I give you thanks
#penitence God of forgiveness I am sorry
#oblation God of vision I offer to you
#intercession God of compassion I pray for
#petition God of the ages I ask your help