I am reminded of the Rich Young Man * who asks Jesus what he needs to do to inherit eternal life. Jesus tells him to sell everything he owns, distribute the money to the poor, and come follow him. The man walks away. Jesus tells his disciples that these difficult task can’t be done alone; we need God’s help, but we can do it!
Sell everything, means get rid of whatever gets in my way of following Jesus. My possession is not material; rather it is an obsession with the news and the fear it has over me. Whatever we hold on to and believe we can’t do without is an addiction. The good news is that Jesus asks us to get rid of whatever addiction is getting in the way of relationship with God, and that he will be with us as we follow him.
I feel so relieved. Now I can rest.
* Matthew 19:16-22
* Mark 10:17-22
* Luke 18:18-22