Ever since beginning this blog in February 2011 I have posted a daily quote and blogged consistently. During this short hiatus I had time to consider if I wanted to continue, and if so, how to do it. My conclusions: yes, I want to keep blogging about prayer and faith; no, I do not want to post a quote every day, just once in a while. I want to keep adding to the Word and Imagine, but I may be more casual about that timing as well.
Letting go of these self-imposed fixed routines may be an age thing. Retirement gives permission to slack off, and let’s face it, there are fewer obligation such as child rearing and career. But, I’ve been retired for a long time, so it can’t be that. The age piece is more about my actual age. Being a retired 60 year old is not the same as being one at age 77.
As the days chip away, God becomes present is new and wonderful ways. Through faith and grace, God has slipped into my heart.
“Do not neglect the most important thing, to be concentrated with the mind in the hear,” Theophan the Recluse (1815-94), Russian Orthodox monastic (1815-94) tells me.