According to the Orthodox tradition, we need to pray for catharsis, for the cleaning of our hearts and minds of negative logismoi. We are not to push these thoughts into our unconscious; certainly we must examine them. But we can release many from our mind the minute they appear; release all the chatter about a person or situation. And we can change our situation; if we want to eat healthy, don’t buy potato chips or candy; if we want to save money, don’t go to the mall.
Some bad habits or thoughts have pervaded our lives for a long time and have become addictions. To overcome them takes enormous perseverance and support from others, ourselves and God. But many of our logismoi are small, trivial little thoughts, which, if we so desire, we take immediate control to eliminate. It’s up to us and God, and it can happen right now. All we need is the willingness. God’s grace is there.