Bede Griffiths, Return to the Center
I have posted this by Bede Griffiths before and undoubtedly I will do so again. It is the reading for March 7 in “The Mystic Vision: Daily Encounters with the Divine,” compiled by Andrew Harvey and Anne Baring.
It is a hopeful messages. God is within me, at the center of my being, there for me to discover. Griffiths writes as a Christian, but he affirms that the Christ message is for all people.
As we know, it takes commitment, perseverance, and risk to find any treasure, and this is true of the Christ treasure as well. We must seek it with all our mind, body, and spirit, and be willing to pay the great price of letting go of the demands of self so we can find our Soul, and thus rest in the Ground of our Being, which I call God.
The search for physical treasure takes physical activity, whereas the quest for the hidden treasure in our soul takes stillness. Meditation is one of the essential physical activities that can lead us to this treasure, to this original Paradise. I doubt that we can find it without it.