Please pray for a peaceful weekend in this country. Please pray for civility and respect. Please pray that all voices will be heard.
I spent today prayerfully preparing to participate in Saturday’s Women’s March on Washington by being silent—reading, praying, writing, sitting in the mystery. I even cancelled an evening obligation. The march will be noisy, with elbow to elbow human beings, and complex logistics. No silence, solitude and simplicity.
Although our demeanor will vary, we will all gather under the umbrella of full respect, opportunity and protection for every human being. My goal is to be a positive, prayerful presence, which means that I must do my best not to step into the political rhetoric and critique. By abstaining from reading or listened to the news in the past two months, I have put myself on the fringe of any serious discussion of the issues. And that, helps me be a positive, prayerful presence.