I, too, have more time for prayer; I, too, feel called to witness to the divine freedom we’ve been given.
The circumstances of this pandemic have offered me more chronos time (time measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, years etc.), and yet I feel this time is precious, not to be wasted. I don’t know what is coming next, not in the next year, day, hour, minute, or second. I hear Jesus telling me: Be alert at all times (Luke 21:36a): Beware, keep alert; for you do not know when the time will come (Mark13:33). And so, I stay awake and live in kairos time (time measured by the God moments), trying to lead a more prayerful life.
Yes, I hope things will return to normal, but I know it will not be the same old, same old. Of course I want to move safely and make my own choices. My prayer, however, is that in this new normal we will all be more loving; I am praying for courage to do my part. The new normal is right now, moment by moment. Kairos and chronos time can become one.