But what about those who are sick or who are in the midst of painful life happenings? What might their resolutions be? No, no, that’s not the question I need to ask or answer.
My question has got to be, “What can I do for them?” It’s pretty clear to me that I can’t solve their problems, but I can be present to them in whatever way seems appropriate. Visiting, leaving a meal, telephoning, emailing, sending a card are all possibilities. But maybe they don’t need or even want my physical presence.
There’s always prayer, no matter what else I might do. Praying that the peace of God surround them; praying for the highest good, whatever that might be; praying God’s light shine in their midst—we each have our own language for our prayer. I try to keep mine simple and not tell God what to do. How about “Thy will be done”? What’s important is to ‘just do it’.