Now unto Thee, O heavenly Father, be all praise and glory that day by day Thou doest richly fill my life with various blessings:
A home to share, kindred to love, and friends to cherish:
A place to fill and a work to do:
A green world to live in, blue skies above me, and pure air to breathe:
Healthy exercise and simple pleasure:
Good books to read and many arts and crafts to delight in:
So much that is worth knowing and the skill and science to know it:
Those high thoughts that sometimes fill my mind and come I know not
Many happy days, and that inward calm that Thou givest me in days of
Thy peace, passing understanding, that comes from Thine indwelling in my
The faith that looks through death and the hope of a larger life beyond the
Make home sweeter and friends dearer:
Turning sorrow into gladness and pain into the soul’s victory:
Robbing death of its sting:
Robbing sin of its power:
Making peace more peaceful and joy more joyful and faith and hope more
secure. Amen