On August 1st I went to my primary care physician because I was waking up with terrible headaches. I left with several appointments on my calendar for different tests and a tentative diagnosis of Giant Cell Frontal Arteritis. With confirmation three days later I begin taking 60mg per day of prednisone (thankfully now reduced to 20mg) and acquired a rheumatologist. The good news is that it was diagnosed and treated quickly: I DID NOT GO BLIND!
I could write a book of all the prayerful thoughts and blessings that this condition is offering me. Although the prednisone jags me up, and give me four or five hours of sleep of night, seven on a good night, I remain positive, full of productive energy, and not fearful of the future.
There is much to learn, to gain, and to benefit from it all. Here is the first God message I wrote in my journal:
I am not in the supreme controller of my life. God is and waits for me to submit to co-control with Him.