Mom’s world is very small these days, but she is still knows who I am and thanks me several times for coming. She can’t hear unless I shout right in her ear and her 101 year old brain doesn’t make many connections or remember much from the past, so very few words pass between us. But she smiles, says thank you and holds my hand.
I am not advocating that people live as long as my mom, at least not as a goal. But, for those living into those later years, when they can’t make many decisions or take care of all their personal needs, my mom offers a breathtaking example of how to sit in the peace. More than that, she provides all of us with a simple way to be with these very old people.
As I was leaving, just when I thought I had Mom all figured out, she asked, “Do you have your keys?” A truly prayerful comment. Clearly I make the visit for her and for me. Giving and receiving doesn’t get any better than this.