This was the last full day of Jesus' human life. Scripture doesn't tell us what Jesus did during the day, but we are told that his evening was a busy one--The Last Supper, feet washing, praying in Gethsemane while his disciples fell asleep, that is, until they were awakened by the Judas' betrayal and Jesus arrest.
I have attended many Maundy Thursday services, and will go to one at my church this evening. We will participate in communion, hear scripture, turn out lights, and leave in silence, but there will be no feet washing, and I am sorry about that.
I have only participated in two feet washings. I recalled each one vividly as powerful faith-enriching worship experiences. This deeply intimate exchange with another Christian washes away doubt, leaves a shine of hope, and "mandates" usto 'to wash another's feet.' (John 13:1-20).
When I get home from church this evening I will got to ssje.org/chapel and
attend the 7:30 pm – Holy Eucharist with Foot-washing with the brothers of Saint John the Evangelist. SSJE.org/chapel