As the cover tell us, author Robert J. Wicks offers “common sense advice on how to get a spiritual life—no matter how busy your day.” Isn’t that what why I have been coming to the cottage? To get a life. What kind of life? A spiritual life, of course. How could I have been so blind? I’ve known that I’ve come here searching for God, looking for the Holy, desiring to go deep into my Soul (hard to put into words) and feeling called to pray for people. But Wicks is helping me connect these spiritual longings to my everyday life. So obvious, and on some level, something I’ve known. I must say it’s very satisfying to have someone name what I have been struggling to figure out, and to give me some simple, everyday tools.
Perhaps “Everyday Simplicity” will help you on your faith journey, will help you integrate your faith with your everyday life. I have offered a brief outline of the book, as well as a few quotes from it, in the section entitled Spiritual Books.