It may boldly be said that in prayer, the more love, the more power; and this is why people of developed spiritual perception take such constant pains to keep themselves free from thoughts of criticism and condemnation.
The more we exist in an attitude of love, the more powerful our prayer. To be loving we must be free of judgment and opinion, or to use Fox’s words, ‘free from thoughts of criticism and condemnation.’ I am not claiming this is the only way to live a spiritual life, but it is for me because I feel called me to pray for people. That is why I don’t follow the news. That is why I am not a good storyteller. That is why, when I listen to people I try, as St. Benedict suggests. to listen with the ear of my heart.
I am learning that a life of prayer is a solitary one and that it can lead to a certain kind of isolation and separation. I definitely don’t want to argue with anyone, but more subtly I don’t want to join a conversation where the participants agree about everything that is wrong with the world—politicians, the medical world, sexism, racism, you name it. I want to stay away from intellectual elitism.
In writing this piece, however, I am aware that under the guise of spiritual elitism. I am indulging in just that. I do my best to be humble, which in and of itself is very humbling. I have many painful miles to go.