On Sunday I led worship at church. I planned most of the order of service from the Iona Abbey Worship Book; my meditation, both to the children and to the adults, was in the form of stories from my experiences on Iona. I had one message: listening to God’s voice.
I rarely hear God’s voice in words. In fact, how limiting that would be. I hear it in the waiting. When faced with a problem, I ask God what I should do… I wait… and then in God’s good time, I hear the right thing to do. I don’t hear words, but more like a knowing. How do I know? Immediately I relax about the issue and stop thinking/worrying/perseverating about it; and then I act upon what God has told me is the right thing to do.
At the end of Sunday’s service, the mother of two young children told me that doing the right thing was what she had been talking with her children about. Um, it seems that the most profound messages we hear from God are same messages children can here. Didn’t Jesus tell us to be like little children?