Jesus tells us: "Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them (Matt. 6: 26)." That’s a comforting meditation, but personally I don't find it that easy to embrace when things aren't going well for me, or when I'm helping someone with deep worries. Those birds of the air just don't come to mind. More likely than not, I step into the fray, figuring out what I can do, and joining in with ways to help. I flutter around, sowing and reaping.
It's good to help, to participate in the human way, to follow the human Jesus. But what about following the divine Jesus? What about praying? Christians are called to follow both ways.
Sometimes when I come to a situation to help, the doing and the being, the human and the divine, seem out of balance, with the doing tipping the scale. Human energy and ingenuity has taken over, usurping God's role and thus giving it a tiny, walk-on part in the unfolding drama.
That's how I'm feeling these days. So much doing energy, so little prayer energy. Thus, I'm taking myself off the doing schedule and adding my name to the praying schedule. Praying Thy will be done, not working to do my will.