Thanksgiving is upon us and as you know, gratitude isfoundational to my life, the gift my mom gave me and so many others. We can be thankful, grateful, however you want to phrase it, in personal prayer, but what about expressing it out in the world? Sharing gratitude changes us, changes others, changes the world.
Arthur C. Brooks, in “Choose to Be Grateful. It Will Make You Happier” (NYT, November 21, 2015), offers some suggestions, but please, read the entire text.
• Acting happy, regardless of feelings, coaxes one’s brain into processing positive emotions.
• Choosing to focus on good things makes you feel better than focusing on bad things.
• Choosing gratitude can also bring out the best in those around us.
• Move to “exterior gratitude.” Write two short emails each morning to friends, family or colleagues, thanking them for what they do.
• Be grateful for useless things.
Am posting this on my cottagebythesea blog as well.