For the past three days I’ve been connecting with people from my church to see how they are getting along. The diaconate has made the commitment to telephone every member and friend, which means talking with our mouth and listening with our ears; no emailing or texting. We ask how things are going and if they need help; we tell them that church, both the service and Sunday school, is live on-line every Sunday; we remind them to keep a look out for “Keeping Connected,” Pastor Tom’s daily email message, We ask for prayer requests, both joys and concerns. We listen and we share.
This journey of prayer and love has lead me to peace. I’ve heard stories and shared stories, heard joys and pains, and gotten to know people in new and profound ways.
I encourage you to call friends and acquaintance. They won’t wonder why you’ve called. They will know and be grateful. When I finish with these church calls I’m planning to make some calls of my own. It’s a great way to spread prayer and love.