“First of all, every time you begin a good work, you must pray to God most earnestly to bring it to perfection.”
It’s one thing to remember to thank God after something that has happened, especially when things have gone well. Well, according to my judgment, according to how I want my life to be! On the other hand, it is much harder to remember to pray before I start doing anything, be it a ‘good work’ or just one of life’s usual routines. I usually plunge right in, and maybe, maybe just once in a while, do I open up a tiny space to pray before I begin, to ask God to start out with me and to come along throughout the task, throughout the day. It’s going to take some practice and prayer on my part, but I’m going to give it a try. Scratch that word ‘try’, which allows a way out. I’m committed to keep remembering and when I forget, I’ll remember again.
I’ve just started a new chapter in my gratitude book: “Prayers Before I Start.” The first entry includes four times today when I want to ask God to come along: writing this blog, fine tuning the introduction and epilogue to ‘Very Grateful’, going to the grocery store, and cooking supper.
As I finish up this post, I realize that it took me until this moment to ask God to help me with this very message. I have a long way to God, but God hasn’t given up on me. God is still speaking. Right now I feel a palpable difference in what my life is about. A question just popped up: If I don’t want to put a task on the list, is it worth doing?