Richard Rohr
If you don't receive Richard Rohr's daily emails <[email protected]>, I recommend that you sign up. This 'message' came imbedded in his one of his recent offerings. At the time, I felt it was worth noting, so I copied it on my list of quotes to share on this blog in the future. And here it is, today on 'Daily Quotes.'
I resonate with every quote I offer; some I ponder more than others. But this one…. has stabbed me. Well, that's the phrase that just rolled off my fingers. I love seeking God, but am I ready to change as Richard Rohr suggests. No! After all, I live an upright 'socially acceptable life. And yet, it is the little things that I need to change. I won't tell you what they are; I know, and God knows.
And, I trust that you know yours. So, if you are ready to change, I suggest that you write this on an index card and put it where you can see it; pray on it and see where God leads you.