It is the cycle of all human experience; we sometimes we forget the good parts that hope carries for us.
The following post was written for my cottage by the sea blog. As Christians, we can read the Advent hope into it.
Back home. Hiatus from posting as I catch up with all that’s going on here before we head to Lancaster on Saturday for Christmas. Tis the season to be grateful even among change and sadness.
On Monday night my church went caroling to several of the people that I visit regularly; many young children and teenagers brought joy to the elderly who can’t get out anymore. ‘Shut-in’ may not be a PC term, but there’s some truth in it; for sure, however, they opened up their hearts and doors to those of us who can still get out and about.
I had missed two weeks volunteering at Open Table, our local food pantry. I help on Tuesday, Senior Day. Many said they missed me and asked if I was okay. “Yes, I’m here today,” is all that I said, and then listened to their holiday stories. One woman admitted that the holidays weren’t joyful for her; two of her four adults sons had died of heart attacks during the year and the other two have heart conditions. Someone else admitted, “Christmas isn’t Tra-la-la-la-la for everyone.”
But there was also joy and gratitude. A food supplier had donated frozen ham, turkey breast, or roast beef, a marvelous choice for each guest.