My weather report reminds me of my search for God’s presence this morning after being away from the cottage for six days. God was there, distant but present, attainable but waiting for me to make the effort. Isn’t that the way it is for those of us who know God? We have to do our part; God won’t do all the work.
Ronald Rolheiser, in The Shattered Lantern: Rediscovering a Felt Presence of God, writes: “God is no longer present in ordinary awareness because ordinary awareness is not long contemplative.” I may come to this cottage by the sea to practice contemplation, but just being here isn’t enough. I have to take contemplation time. I have to make the effort to invite God in. Some mornings God is right here, but other mornings I have to open the door. I find it helps to have a morning routine of prayer, readings and journaling to unlock the door, especially on those mornings when God’s knocking is every so quiet. Sometimes it takes all my energy to discipline myself to go through the motions. But the result is always awesome; God always comes in.