Silence, solitude and simplicity! I thought I had it under control. After all, until nine months ago, that’s how I lived, free from stressful or anxious situations. Although silence solitude, and simplicity remains in my being, I have to keep working on them more intentionally than ever. I am reminded of this each morning as I write out my daily Top Ten Prayer List, which used to be comprised exclusively of individual names. Now, however, DEMOCRACY, COVID, TEACHERS AND STUDENTS, AND FIRE take up four of those slots.
If you have been following this blog for a while you may be surprised that I mention my Top Ten Prayer, because over the years I have intentionally stayed clear of mentioning my faith. But this morning as I started writing about the challenge it is to live into silence, solitude and simplicity during these extraordinary times, I felt compelled to share that prayer is one way I stay free of stress and anxiety.
For you, my prayer diary friends, I’m noticing that my faith is growing and becoming more intertwined with my longing for silence, solitude, and simplicity. I’m wondering if you are noticing something similar?
Because of the pandemic, and because of my age (80), there is less I can do actively and socially to help bring about love in the world. And yet the flip side is also true; I now have the time to be in prayer about democracy (for all), health (for all), learning (for all), and physical safety (for all).
So, pray away. I believe it is the most important thing we can do. Ask yourself, “What if everyone in the world prayed for peace?”