Brien Hohmeier, in his blog expresses it this way:
STOP: Physically, mentally, come to a complete rest—if only for this brief moment.
BREATHE: Let your lungs holding the space of a breath become a picture for you of how your spirit now is holding the space of this quiet little prayer.
RECOLLECT: Here, we just take a moment. Humbly, all we desire here is to be aware, now, in this place, with the God who is in the place where we are.
A simple dictionary definition of stasis ((Oxford Language) serves my purpose: a period or state of inactivity or equilibrium.
Here is my understanding as I try to add the practice of stasis into my daily life: STOP, BREATHE, RECOLLECT.
STOP: stop all movement and activity.
BREATHE: breathe deeply and consciously, in and out a few times.
RECOLLECT: recollect my commitment to God, and God's to me. Then, consider the task at hand and proceed with love.
I love this a simple way of inviting God into my life. The challenge is to remember. Hmm, perhaps REMEMBER needs to be first to introduce the process.