celebrated my husbands 85th birthday. We all did our part to make it a joyful time, which it was, but I know this joy wasn't just of our own doing. Some might call it some variation of luck, or fate, or good fortune. I don't dismiss any of those, but what about grace?
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound. The lyrics of that well-known song were written by John Newton, a slave trader until God found him and saved him with His amazing grace. I'm not thinking about God saving me from some wretched way of being. But I am pondering what part grace played in our wonder-filled weekend. My faith tells me that grace was an essential ingredient.
Grace comes as a sweet sound when I stop assuming
that I am control of everything that is going on. Some might say that God and I are in partnership, or that I am co-creating with God. Words can't express what is beyond words, but here's my try today.
When I open up and listening to God, when I commit to following the Golden Rule to love my neighbor as myself, grace appears and finds a space to be in my life.